There Was A Nazi Rally In Charlottesville. Today. In America. In 2017.

Final Update: When asked by a reporter if he wants the support of white nationalists, Trump refused to answer and walked off. Update #2: Trump is blaming "many sides" without addressing the fact that there are quite literally Nazis and KKK members wearing his hats today in Virginia. What would be great is if he would say, once and for all, that he denounces white supremacy, wants nothing to do with it, and would appreciate it if the folks who

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15 thoughts on “There Was A Nazi Rally In Charlottesville. Today. In America. In 2017.

  1. Surprised? Get ready for lots more of this… Trump’s the enabler, regardless of what he says about it. Everything that comes out of his mouth is either a lie or a threat. This type of “political” action is what he hopes will intimidate his opponents, and make his position stronger.

  2. Remember when he was campaigning and denied knowing who Duke was? Took pressure from GOP’s to get him to renounce KKK for supporting him and then he only made a weak comment. Those are his people. Those are his voters. And let me further tell you this — if you voted for this disgusting man and you are truly not a Nazi, KKK or any such type person, then you need to rethink who you really voted into office. You bring shame onto this country. You should walk to the other side of that line and make it clear that you are not supporting the vile bigot that currently sits in the White House. He says he does not support them BUT he does next to nothing to prove it because he does not want to lose those votes! If you are seriously innocent of this behavior then you must think and recognize that you have been deceived.

    – Murphy

  3. All you have to do is look up Fred Trump – the Donald’s dear old Dad here in Wikipedia ( and you can see that DJ is now a second generation KKK supporter. Fred was arrested at a KKK rally in 1927 and then “In 1973, the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a civil rights suit against the Trump Organization (TO; Fred Trump, chair, 27-year-old Donald Trump, president) charging it with “violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968.”[20] Basically they wouldn’t rent to people of color. If you were to search the right one of Donald’s homes you would find his bed sheet robe and cone head hat that he uses when he attends secret rallies.

    This means that were two groups of people that voted for Trump, those that are racist bigots like the Trumps, and those who were too lazy to check Wikipedia and a dozen or so other references of the Trumps white supremacist history and background. Now it should be no surprise to anyone that Trump has a warm spot in his underwear – for Nazis. Those of you that that still chose to support Donald Trump knowing he and his family’s white supremacist history – are effectively guilty of being Nazi’s – by association with Trump. So, now if you continue to support Trump – you know who and what you are – and so does the rest of the country.

  4. Well Jeff is it possible that you are “smitten” by probably the worst president in our history? You sound like “this foolishness” is a non-event and a waste of your valuable time, well you are sorely mistaken. Is it that your opinion sick as it is, because most of the delusional people who are “smitten” by Mr Trump about (17.5% of actual voters and dropping) have some kind of agenda, I wonder what your’s is? Hate? Love? Money? Politics? What could possibly make it so that you would think that at least 3 people dying and many more being injured should be of little or of no concern? That is pretty ugly and you should maybe show a little compassion … bad…you are “smitten” with trump and his compassion for NOTHING but himself. Just a quick look in a mirror will give you that answer. Well Jeff I am sorry say but this is a reaction to our “pathetic” president’s hate speech to people like you. Remember you “go under the bus” when this guy doesn’t need you any more.

  5. What is making this horrible incident even worse are the subsequent messages of support for this right wing terrorist on the alt-right sites and message boards. These people have completely lost track of reality.