Krugman: Republicans Are A ‘Horde Of Zombies’ Whose Brains Have Been Eaten

********* Via Paul Krugman for The New York Times When the tweeter-in-chief castigated Senate Republicans as “total quitters” for failing to repeal the Affordable Care Act, he couldn’t have been more wrong. In fact, they showed zombie-like relentlessness in their determination to take health care away from millions of Americans, shambling forward despite devastating analyses by the Congressional Budget Office, denunciations of their plans by every major medical group, and overwhelming

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10 thoughts on “Krugman: Republicans Are A ‘Horde Of Zombies’ Whose Brains Have Been Eaten

  1. Both parties lack a deep personal connection to disadvantaged people in aggregate. Replace that necessary energy with anything else, and you have a deeply flawed approach.

    1. Both parties want more government, bigger spending, bigger budgets. Period. Period. It’s the only reason they exist: to put up a front with that objective. And as long as people continue to vote for incumbents, things are dire. Public service used to be honorable, short term service to your citizenry. It’s not now. The best shot to save us is vote third party – ANY third party, take your pick, the Shriners Clown Detail or the Gilbert Gottfried Fan Club – and VOTE OUT INCUMBENTS.

    2. “Both parties lack a deep personal connection to disadvantaged people in aggregate.”

      This should go without saying but, when “disadvantaged people” start voting in “aggregate,” both parties will have “a deep personal connection” with them. The parties and their candidates have a “deep personal connection” with those who vote them into office.

      1. But what if that means they all vote for Hillary? Or Obama, or any other candidate that promises free lunches?

        Thinking about it, maybe the masses that voted for the clown prince in 2016 felt disadvantaged by the theft from the free lunch sellers, and the such-as-it-is “disadvantaged” voted en masse – with the anti-vote, not pro-Trump or pro-Rep.; but your voting bloc idea may be just what happened.

        Hey, I admire your noble expression (to a degree, and with theoretical reservations). Too bad it didn’t come together that way for the elder Dr. Paul.

      2. “Thinking about it, maybe the masses that voted for the clown prince in 2016 felt disadvantaged by the theft from the free lunch sellers, and the such-as-it-is “disadvantaged” voted en masse.”

        Well, they are lucky the Republicans can’t so far, get anything passed in the Senate but, one day they will and those you “disadvantaged” will get what they voted for and frankly, what they deserve for voting the way they did.
        You know, you folks who keep defining the “free lunch” as, what Reagan used to code-call, “giving to the the Welfare Queens,” don’t have any problem voting for those who give a heck of a lot more of your tax money to the wealthiest in this country, both corporate and personal.

      3. Some, but not all, perform such hypocrisy – hypocritically condoning free lunches “as long as it’s to MY side.” Some others – who are non-hypocrites – decry all governmental financial interference. The basic problem is that D.C. picks winners and losers, and the true solution would be to deny them their power to meddle with free functioning of markets. As Dr. Ron Paul would sagely state.

        IOW, I’m against printing money to pay individuals’ health care premiums, yet I’m also against printing money to pay Kaiser or Dupont or Raytheon. I’m against ANY subsidies or picking of winners and losers in the appropriations chow-down.

        Not every opposer of Progressive spending programs is a hypocrite in the other direction. Some believe something is wrong because it’s wrong – not because we’re not the selfish winner at the troth.

      4. And as to the “eventual” ability of the Republican Congress to “unite” and do what they claimed they were elected to do, don’t kid yourself. They will never vote for less federal government. Neither side will – and never have (since the 18th century); they just play Good Cop, Bad Cop and make sure that the more-government vote wins. The only reason that they postured themselves as being against Obamacare was to play “Good Cop” when they were (effectively) in the minority (Obama’s veto made repeal impossible). Now they’ve revised the definition of Good Cop – for a few, enough to kill a majority – to mean “more Government to protect the little guy.” That’s your McCain vote. He’s not welshing on his duty; he’s just being a Good Cop, according to the serendipitously timed redefinition of “Good.”

        Neither of the 2 parties will vote to decrease the size of D.C. Don’t kid yourself.

        And the Democratic Congressional side is up to their eyeballs in financial incestry with corporations too, if we’re being honest.

        This is how it’s (practically) always been.

  2. Paul Krugman – destroying the planet, one step at a time. Along with his idiotic partner, NYT. Spend to oblivion, uh huh.

    And Paulie, you lying P. O. S., Obamacare is an abysmal failure. It was forged in dishonesty and you’re still doing it.

    And as to zombies – Google
    Paul Krugman Calls Off The Fake Alien Invasion

    Krugman is not only a lying shill, he’s insane.

    P.S. He and Obama have Nobels – the most embarrassing prize of the century. That kind of says it all.

    1. I watched the original interview. The first, three words he uttered were “If we discovered…” As he further explained, the alien-invasion-as-a-catalyst-for-action was a loose reference to a “Twilight Zone” episode. Insane? Hardly!

      1. Krugman will answer to your face that an earthquake is economically beneficial. Exactly like an alien invasion. He is the living, breathing embodiment of the broken glass fallacy.

        The broken glass fallacy which Krugman is mentally retarded in its grasp goes something like this: if someone smashes in a storekeeper’s window, Krugman reasons, that a window repairman benefits, and that’s only the beginning of the economic bonanza. Enter the multiplier effect in Krugman’s demented cluelessness: the repairman goes to the butcher and buys a roast. The butcher takes that money and buys shoes. The shoemaker …etc., etc. Krugman calls this win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win.

        Only Paul Krugman, and his silent partner the United States Government (especially military), and his partner in crime the New York Times, can sell such a tragically demented philosophy – that destruction of goods is economically beneficial because of its stimulatory benefit. I’m serious! I’m not making this up! EVEN WITH AN ALIEN INVASION.

        In fact, not only does he not recognize the initial loss (e.g the shopowner), and that there is a net economic drain by destruction, he regards it as a free lunch. It’s that multiplier, which in his peyote-stricken consciousness creates something from nothing. –>> It’s why he believes in Socialist printing of money – because it “pays for itself” with the multiplier effect. <<–

        I'm not making this up! His academic couching and reliance on "fallacy of authority" only fools a lot of the people a lot of the time. But underneath the perceived pomp and glamour of his utterances, his utter essential premise for EVERYTHING is stated above.

        And his (along with the Fed's) argument as such is pointed to by policymakers as the intelligent rationale for the calamitous, inevitably catastrophic printing of money.

        Insane? You tell me.

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