Sunday Satire: Trump Voters Outraged After Discovering They Still Have Health Care


Via The New Yorker’s satirist Andy Borowitz

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)–With a fury that could spell political trouble for Republicans in the midterm elections, Trump voters across the country on Friday expressed their outrage and anger that they still have health coverage.

“I went to bed Thursday night and slept like a baby, assuming that when I woke up I would have zero health insurance,” Carol Foyler, a Trump voter, said. “Instead, this nightmare.”

Harland Dorrinson, who voted for Trump “because he promised that he would take my health care away from me on Day 1,” said that he was “very upset” that he will still receive that benefit.

“I woke up this morning, and my family and I could still see a doctor,” he said. “This is a betrayal.”

Many Trump supporters said that congressional Republicans “gave up too soon” in their efforts to deprive ordinary Americans like them of their health care.

“They should not take August off,” Calvin Denoit, a Trump supporter, said. “They should stay in Washington and keep working until I totally lose my coverage.”

For Trump voters like Benoit, the abject disappointment of continuing to have health care raises fears about which other campaign promises might soon be broken.

“Now I don’t know what to believe,” he said. “Are we still going to get to pay billions of dollars in taxes for that wall?”


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2 thoughts on “Sunday Satire: Trump Voters Outraged After Discovering They Still Have Health Care

    1. hahaha — I say that every time someone says “surely…” and I have done that for so many years, my good buds instantly regret the words out of their mouths and before I can even say it, they are rolling their eyes, laughing and waiting for it “don’t call me Shirley!” Love it!

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