Jeff Gundlach Devastated After Discovering ‘Crass Hucksters’ Sold Him $1 Million In Fake Wine
Do you know what Jeff Gundlach hates more than anything in the whole, wide world?
"Fake news", thats what.
In fact, Jeff hates "fake news" so damn much, that he decided to wage war on it, and his weapon of choice in what has turned into a truly epic struggle, is Twitter. Appropriately, he picked "@TruthGundlach" as his handle.
As regular readers are acutely aware, Jeff's plunge into the great unknown that is the Twitterverse got off to a rather inauspicious start.
Gundlach joined Twitter in
When are they going after 2 buck Chuck. After all, it has won countless Gold metals!
…shouldn’t that be medals … I mean a medal is usually made of metal … and gold is a metal … but an award is a medal … usually made of metal … which are usually gold … unless they are bronze or silver … and they are still medals …. and they are still all metals …. no wonder people say English is a hard language …
– Murphy
He is just angling to become the next FED chair.