Boy Scouts ‘Sincerely’ Sorry For Trump’s Behavior At Jamboree

From Michael Surbaugh is the Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America and a member of the organization's "Key 3" providing leadership and vision to the Scouting movement all across the United States. Find weekly posts at the Chief's Corner on **************** July 27, 2017 Scouting Family, In the last two weeks, we have celebrated the best of Scouting at our 20th National Jamboree with nearly 40,000 participants, volunteers, staff and visitors. The 2017 Nationa

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5 thoughts on “Boy Scouts ‘Sincerely’ Sorry For Trump’s Behavior At Jamboree

  1. Pres. Trump calls D.C. a ‘cesspool’ or ‘sewer,’ and with his arrival it is now literally true, accurate and devastating to America in every way that Boy Scouts represent to America.

  2. It is really good to read Mr. Surbaugh’s comments to the “Scout Family”. I was appalled when I watched trump speak to those children – and also shocked at the crowd’s reaction to his distasteful and disrespectful remarks. I am hoping that the thousands of Scout Leaders are also speaking to the young men about the inappropriate comments as well as their own reactions of cheering! Those kids know it was wrong and they should also be told about the Nation’s reaction to the openly disrespect shown to prior Presidents as well as women.

    Trump had the audacity to bring up and mock Obama for not attending a jamboree. And those kids cheered. The best thing those leaders can do now is show them the prepared video from Mr. Obama for the 100 Year Anniversary in 2010 and hear what a real man, a respectful man, had to say. I sincerely hope the leaders take the steps to correct the inappropriate behavior shown by this pathetic excuse of America’s President!

    – Murphy

  3. RT, Thanks for posting that CNN article – I did not see that before now. I watched that speech the other day and was outraged and disgusted. However, reading this analysis of those specific lines really emphasized just what a psycho trump is, to his core. Rambling, inappropriate, so far over the line in so many ways!

    Pence being former Governor Indiana and now VP in that “cesspool” trump has created and seeing how some of the adults in the crowd also cheered; and the former scouts, trumps guys, on stage grinning from ear to ear, as one comment in the first link above wrote, sure had an impact on me today! It was clear in half the comments they endorsed the absurd speech by this grotesque man! The other half were disgusted. I’d say some parents have some work to do and turn their sons around in the way they think and behave! That kind of thinking is how this cretin got elected!

    – Murphy

  4. Even I had to wince at Trump addressing the Scouts. Getting the Scouts to boo any president (… ie Obama)) is just bad. Period. Where is the respect Boy Scouts? A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. What happened, boys?

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