Joe Scarborough: Trump Is Killing The Republican Party

************ Via Joe Scarborough for WaPo I did not leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party left its senses. The political movement that once stood athwart history resisting bloated government and military adventurism has been reduced to an amalgam of talk-radio resentments. President Trump’s Republicans have devolved into a party without a cause, dominated by a leader hopelessly ill-informed about the basics of conservatism, U.S. history and the Constitution. America’s first Rep

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10 thoughts on “ Joe Scarborough: Trump Is Killing The Republican Party

  1. First of all, the Republican party is not “The Party of Lincoln” anymore. It hasn’t been since Strom Thurman started the slow trickle which, by Richard Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” became of flood of the racist, reactionary, right wing southern Democrats who were squeezed out by Lyndon Johnson and his “Great Society” which not only included medicare and medicaid but, most importantly, the civil rights and voting rights bills of the mid-sixties. These “Dixiecrats” turned Republicans have squeezed out the traditional true, pre-Buckley, pre-Goldwater conservative Republicans as well as the more moderate “Rockefeller” and “New England Lodge” Republicans.” Frankly, I think if Lincoln probably started twirling in his grave by the time Warren Harding became president.

    1. I am a bit confused… please excuse my ignorance……but are you blaming the complete failure and idiocy of the Republicans on some Democrats?

      – Murphy

      1. Yes. But, those Democrats of 50, 60 and 70 years ago are about as relevant to today’s Democratic Party as Abraham Lincoln is relevant to the Republican Party of Trump, McConnell, Ryan and sub-groups of the party like the Klu Klux Klan and The Christian Coalition.

      2. Essentially, each party starting about 100 years ago began slowly then quickly and then finally morphing into the becoming closer to what the other party originally was.

  2. Thanks MILBANK, I got it but now wondering when and who and why this switcharoo happened? I highly doubt the trump base would ever have supported a Democrat candidate and I KNOW none of my Democrat people would ever vote for the likes of a trump – no matter what his badge says! So when, who and why??

    – Murphy

  3. While Joe may be a progressive Republican (if such an animal exists) his views and concerns are still what’s wrong with the Republican Party.

    Joe, I suggest you focus your concerns on what your Party’s boy – Trump is doing to the nation, rather than your dysfunctional and moribund Republican Party.

    Were both D and R Parties focused on the welfare of the nation – we would not be having this conversation after an election. Nor would we have Trump or Clinton in office.

  4. Well, Dugger, again, I gotta say you are pretty much hitting the bullseye…… I think we know the condition of the R party and it did not start with Trump! But he is definitely pushing it off the proverbial cliff! The D’s did a decent job with Obama. I really like the guy and he has class and there were no scandals! I miss him. But like I said, you pretty much nailed it. Neither one of these two parties seem to have this country’s needs as their primary objective.

    Scarborough has his focus on trump every morning, really hitting him hard with exposing what a doofus he is and how awful he is at this job. It’s so much fun to watch! ha! If you don’t follow his Morning Joe on MSNBC, tune in to it. He made it crystal clear the other night on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show what he thought about his ex-Republican party too!

    The problem I see ahead is who will be the Democrat candidate 2018? I think Joe Biden would win if he ran and I think he would do a good job. I also like Kamala Harris but don’t know all that much about her. I like her attitude and she presents well but I suspect she would have a difficult campaign. The D’s don’t have a big selection of people as great candidates. If I chose one today, it would Joe Biden. I think his family is a good reflection of his character and he certainly understands the job. Yep, Joe’s got the good mojo!

    – Murphy

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