Paul Krugman On The GOP: ‘What Happened To These People?!’

And yes, it's Paul Krugman, but before you dismiss it out of hand, don't forget that the whole reason you clicked on this in the first place was because it said "Paul Krugman" in the title... so you know, you can't really act like you weren't interested, right? *************** Via Paul Krugman for The New York Times The title of this post comes from a once-famous book about the senior British officials who, it turned out, spied for Stalin. I found myself thinking about that book’s title whil

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7 thoughts on “Paul Krugman On The GOP: ‘What Happened To These People?!’

  1. If you think about a democracy of voters who have not been qualified by a test of their knowledge of major election issues and provided with an unbiased non-political third party evaluation and resume of the respective candidates of each party, their history, voting record, and current position on those issues – it shouldn’t be at all surprising that the election math favors someone like Trump getting elected. Even without Russia’s help.

    When unqualified and uninformed voters tend to elect those they perceive (as told, marketed and sold by the candidates respective political advisers and party leadership) that those candidates are like themselves “just regular people” and as the elections of GW Bush and now Trump have proved (in spite of their privileged upbringing and absurd level of differences from the “average voter”,) why is anyone surprised. Especially, when the respective political parties offer no superior choices as candidates.

    When are we as a nation going to figure out that democracy of the ignorant and uninformed – only produces ignorant and uninformed candidates. It’s time we had basic voter testing and far more control of our billion dollar campaign and election industries. The campaign and election industry is self-serving, proven repeatedly and the country is by far the worse for it.

    1. I dunno ’bout that. But I think I would be in favor of basic candidate testing! let’s work on that! Hillary was not the right Democratic candidate – I only wish she were. Bernie was a better candidate but in all honesty I think he was considered too old – and even though he is not that far off of Trumps age, he looked older. I liked Bernie a lot. Trump cannot even spell candidate so he would have been dismissed on question #1. I also insist on review of income tax history. Health and Mental health exams required!! I would require evidence of anything they say — lying at the podium, making shit up, playing trumps favorite game of “people are saying….” all those will revoke your approval to campaign. Maybe a list of 10 people who can speak on your behalf and all will be verified. Yeah, let’s work on candidate requirements!

      – Murphy

  2. Surprising response.. I think the above named requirements would virtually eliminate all the rest of any candidate forums, both liberal and conservative. It still whould fall short in thinning out the RHINO republicans.

  3. What Krugman sees in Republicans, i.e. hypocrisy, selective use of facts, uncritical thinking, rationalization, selfishness, etc. is true of most all humans, which includes the independents and democrats. It’s the entire American culture that he bemoans.

    1. Having spent more than 7 decades in this world, I know a lot of people and I don’t know what all their political opinions are but I do know for a fact that those conditions and attitudes that you list ARE NOT present in most humans. Thank God.

      The current onslaught of the people who do have these traits explain the votes for Mr. Asswipe. He released the pent-up behaviors in many people with his ranting lies and violent rallies and his overall despicable, vile, shameful, ignorant, contemptible, and loathsome behavior. His continued position as America’s President is the source of their negative energy. He is corrupt in so many ways. He has to be removed from office!

      – Murphy

  4. The POtuS rejected the Paris Climate accord because no low mileage vehicle is big enough, loud enough, or emits enough black exhaust for us.
    The POtuS brought in Betsy DeVos because we just gape at our phones.
    The POtuS wants deregulation because we shit our dogs on play grounds.
    The POtuS models discrimination because that’s what’s taught at our kitchen tables.
    We’ve met the enemy..

    (i check this site to see if the world has ended)

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