Guest Post: Heroin & Non-Consensual Capitalism

Via Notes From Disgracedland’s Bjarne Knausgaard Heroin consolidates all your problems into one big one. No more worrying about aggression, repression, poverty, futility, and frustration — just heroin and how to get a hold of it. The street price of heroin has dropped below $100 per gram. A disturbing development. For a novice, about 10-20 mg provides a decent high. Simply put, one can get high on heroin for the price of a chocolate bar. The most addictive drug is now also the cheapest, ch

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2 thoughts on “Guest Post: Heroin & Non-Consensual Capitalism

  1. Do you think that at the heart of the matter, this is conspiracy or cause and effect? I.e. is what you’re saying explicit or implicit? Is it a description of the equilibrium that we’re seeing in the US, or a description of a successful plan constructed and executed by powerful actors?

    I see heroin as a commodity product, the pricing of which has fallen because of
    – supply chain improvements
    – competition (between heroin dealers, and from other substitute drugs like synthetic opiates but also crack and meth)
    – increases in producer experience and associated reductions in production and distribution costs
    – cheaper labor (a growing base of poor to use and sell it)

    To take the other side, I can’t think of another commodity that has shown similar pricing dynamics, though it’s hard to find an effective comparison because of heroin’s recent introduction to markets. Can you think of a useful comp?