CNN: Russia May Have “Derogatory Info” On Trump Other Than The Prostitutes Thing
I'm not entirely sure what Donald Trump and his team were thinking in 2016, but apparently, experts at espionage they are not.
And maybe that's where Moscow miscalculated. I'm sure the Kremlin realized they weren't dealing with the brightest crayons in the box, but it might not have occurred them just how stupid their accomplices in the US truly were.
Meanwhile, it's no longer 100% clear to me that the Russians were themselves very careful about whatever it is they were up to with Trump associ
The question that no one seemed to be asking is ‘Exactly what would constitute proof of collusion?’ Apparently something more than what we already have. We have to give the Russians credit; they might well have known what they could get away with, given our inept Congress. The other side of it, I think is that the Trump enterprises had determined that they wanted to lots of business in countries with different views of ‘corruption’ than what we have in the U.S. A profitable deal for both sides apparently.