Cramer Apologizes To Poland For Comparing Nazi Fight To Macy’s
File this one away in the "epic fuckups" category.
So I don't remember this, probably because I don't watch Mad Money (and neither should you, generally speaking), but apparently back on May 11th, Jim Cramer decided it was a good idea to compare Macy's battle with online retailers to the Polish army fighting Nazi Germany. Here's what he said:
Macy's is like the Polish Army in WWII - it tried to field calvary against German tanks and it did not end well.
Well, Poland is fucking pissed.
First of
Cavalry, not Calvary.
This guy is a real bonehead! What’s your nationality I got a greasy one for you right here @JimCramer
This guy is a real bonehead! What’s your nationality? I got a fresh one for you right here @JimCramer