Photo Of The Day: Arriving In Style

Earlier today in “‘The Sultan And I”’: Trump Meets Erdogan To Compare Autocrat Notes, Talk Kurds,” we outlined everything you need to know about the Turkish president’s visit to Washington.

Make no mistake, this is a “bigly” deal and you should really read (or at the very least skim) the post linked above. There’s a lot going on here and the fate of the effort to rout ISIS from Raqqa largely hinges (at least in the short-term) on whether Trump follows through with a plan to provide even more military support to the YPG – something Erdogan is steadfastly against.

Well, anyway, if you know anything about Erdogan, you’ll appreciate why the following picture of the “big boss from the Bosphorus” arriving in the US is absolutely hilarious:


Here’s are the (predictable) highlights from the joint presser (via Reuters):

“We’ve had a great relationship and we will make it even better,” Trump said in a joint appearance with Erdogan.

Erdogan said his visit would “mark a historical turn of tide” and hailed “outstanding relations” between the nations. It was an especially positive tone considering the tensions over Washington’s decision to arm the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia that Ankara regards as an extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

“There is no place for the terrorist organizations in the future of our region,” said Erdogan, speaking through a translator.

He added that the activities of the YPG and its political arm in the region, the PYD, “will never be accepted.”

“The relationship that we have together will be unbeatable,” Trump said.

Oh, and if anyone sees Erdogan’s convoy make an unexpected day trip to Pennsylvania, make sure and warn Fetullah Gulen.

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