Video: Trump Says God Elected Him President
If Jeff Foxworthy wrote a series of jokes that started with "you know you're a dictator if...", at least one of them would end with this:
...you think your authority to govern was bestowed upon you by the Almighty.
Indeed, governing by Divine Right is a dictatorial cliché.
Well on Saturday, in a commencement speech at the country's largest Christian university, Trump "went there" when he first told the graduating class that "in America, we don’t worship government, we worship God," on
I would also add some help from Shelby Co. vs Holder
There was something seriously wrong when “this country’s largest Christian university” would even have this disgusting human being on a short list to deliver a commencement address, much less selected him to give this address, is completely absurd. Everyone has heard his words about pussy and has heard the multiple charges against him by, what, a dozen women, and show him any respect whatsoever is ridiculous! How proud are they now? Whoever made the decision to invite him to the podium is as insane as he is!!
Now and then you should consider the alternative
If I am reading your cryptic comment right, you are an idiot.
– Murphy
I couldn’t agree with you more. Yes, please consider the alternatives the voters had – neither candidates were worthy of the Presidency based on performance and as well Trump was totally unqualified for the office as he proves daily. What we should be considering beyond the Trump soap opera/reality TV Presidency is the incompetency of the political parties (both) that produced this total lack of qualified Presidential candidates to offer up to US voters in the 2016 election. Until we get rid of the multi-billion dollar 24/7 campaign/election industry and focus on performance based political leadership we doomed to endure the likes and incompetent abomination that is Donald J. Trump.
….and YOU, D. Dugger …… 100% CORRECT. With one exception – I refuse to “endure” this incompetent abomination.
– Murphy
Ok, now we get to the bottom line $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Citizens United corrupts ABSOLUTELY.