Reuters Exclusive: How You Were Duped By RT, Sputnik, And US-Based Bloggers

Well this isn't exactly surprising, although for me personally, it certainly is unnerving. I've long contended that, as conspiratorial as it may sound, all manner of alt-Right websites were engaged in a 24-7, Russia-sponsored propaganda push to sway public opinion in the US ahead of last year's election. When I say that may sound "conspiratorial," conservative readers will respond as follows: "yes, Heisenberg, it certainly does." Readers of a liberal persuasion will say this: "no, that doesn'

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3 thoughts on “Reuters Exclusive: How You Were Duped By RT, Sputnik, And US-Based Bloggers

  1. Really now. How many of Trump voters peruse RT? I doubt most even know what RT is.

    I click on my RT icon and get a straightforward listing of the days news events. CNN’s icon almost always displays a half-screen piece on Trumps’ latest misfire. CNN looks a lot more like propaganda than RT.

    H… You really need to look at both sides of an issue before spouting off

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