Nikki Haley Blasts Syria’s Assad In CNN Op-Ed: “Evil Is A Fact Of Life”

As noted last weekend, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is "a bull in a China shop" - and that's just fine with Donald Trump who "allows her to" say whatever she wants, whenever she wants to say it. Now that was just great for the alt-Right when Haley was saying that the US would no longer make removing Bashar al-Assad from power in Syria a foreign policy priority. But when, in the wake of the chemical attack in Idlib, she abruptly reversed course with regard to her position on regime change in Damasc

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One thought on “Nikki Haley Blasts Syria’s Assad In CNN Op-Ed: “Evil Is A Fact Of Life”

  1. OK, here we go again. “Imagine if we had acted six years ago in Syria”, I am “IMAGINING” quite a bit right now and the mess would PROBABLY be far worse, maybe for everyone. We are the ENEMY to everyone even OUR (so called) friends, please tell me you get that Ms. Ambassador. Our enemies and our friends would love to have the US military to blame for all the problems and misery in their lives, it’s simple the “infidels” are not Muslims.

    Anyone who does not understand the secular war that rages between Sunni and Shia only topped by Jihad against the infidels (that would be us) is a fool. It’s Oil $$$ or Secular War or Infidels Out. Sometimes in different order but that’s it.

    Most of the leaders in the Middle East don’t give a sh*t about their people especially if their power is threatened in any way. Religion and Jihad are used as diversions (sound familiar) and excuses for settling sometimes “old” sometimes “new” tribal disputes again and again. Just ask God, Allah, Buddha sh*t ask the Sun, we are all guilty of something.

    Stay the Fu*k out of Syria.