Finally! A Visual Guide To The French Elections That Actually Makes Sense

Are you confused by the French elections? Well, we all are to varying degrees. Indeed even those who understand the process and know the candidates were taken off guard by the meteoric rise of Jean-Luc Melenchon over the past couple of weeks. Now we've got a four-way, free-for-all and a market that's visibly concerned. On top of the "tail risk" presented by a run-off that pits Le Pen against Melenchon, there's another concern that's been variously described in these pages over the past coup

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2 thoughts on “Finally! A Visual Guide To The French Elections That Actually Makes Sense

  1. Polls-Who do you believe? How about none of them. One of the top two will be LePen- no poll just a gut feeling. If that happens then all bets are off as we all know all to well. Something feels off about our world right now some alignment of planets or it’s just time for a good ass-whipping. So gird-up your loins or some sh*t like that because if LePen wins the whole deal, we are in for a rocky ride.