Oops… Sean Spicer Forgets Hitler Used Chemical Weapons

Oh, lord. We've said it before and we'll say it another thousand times before this administration hands over the reins: "poor Sean Spicer." This is a man who was certainly not born to be any kind of press secretary. Let alone White House press secretary. He's nervous, irritable, easily rattled, and really, just an all around terrible public speaker. But his job certainly isn't made any easier by the fact that he's constantly on the defensive thanks to lies he didn't tell. How would you feel

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9 thoughts on “Oops… Sean Spicer Forgets Hitler Used Chemical Weapons

  1. Sure, Spicer’s performance is a joke. But he may in fact not be as stupid or ignorant as he appears. As you pointed out, he has an impossible job, and it’s overwhelming him. Explaining Trump? Not even Kellyanne could do that, and she can bullshit with the best– admit it.
    The question remains: why does he stay? How big a masochist is he?

  2. Come on! Why is everyone picking on little Sean. He knew that Jews, homosexuals, gypsies and Catholics were dragged off to Holocaust Centers to be, as the CEO of United Airlines would put it, “re-accommodated.”

    1. I think when Spicer said, “I came out to make sure we stay focused on what the president is doing and his decisive action.”

      He was reiterating how President Trump was decisively against action on Syria until his “decisive action.”

      “I needed to make sure that I clarified, and not was”

      I think this makes perfect sense to everyone. . . .

      who went to Connecticut College.

      “in any shape or form any more of a distraction from the president’s decisive action in Syria”

      There it is again…”the president’s decisive action.”

      And he isn’t “any more of a distraction” than he ever is.

      and the attempts that he is making to destabilize the region and root out ISIS out of Syria,”

      See? SEE?

      Spicer knows! It wasn’t that poor misunderstood ophthalmologist, Bashar al-Assad who gassed those Syrians. . .

      IT WAS ISIS!

      1. Oh yeah. You were asking about the “destabilizing” comment, Anon (May I call you Anon?). As far as Spicer saying Trump destabilizing the region, he misspoke. The region was already destabilized when Trump became president. Trump decisively deepened and enriched the destabilization. That’s really what Little Sean meant.