Friday Humor: “A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words”
In light of the unfolding drama between Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon who, as we noted on Thursday, has apparently said some not so nice things lately and is now on the verge of being fired just days after being summarily booted from the National Security Council, we thought the following picture (which, according to Sean Spicer, depicts "@potus receiving briefing on #syria military strike fr Nat Security team, inc @vp , SECDEF, CJCS via secure VTC") to be particularl
Nice to see some differing viewpoints in there from all the women in the room, conferring with all the younger advisors who have grown up in a world consistently in conflict since they were in diapers…would hate to think that the decision to use military force without consulting Congress first would be made by an all-White, over the hill group of conservative hawks who share a group-think mentality….wait a minute…