Friday Humor: Sean Spicer Explains The “Phenomenal”

Think back.

And I mean waaaay back.

Back to February 9, when Donald Trump was telling airline executives about how they’ve “done an amazing job,” and about how, much like the President himself, they’re “under pressure from a lot of foreign elements.”

You might recall that in that same meeting, Trump made a “big league” promise. Here’s a flashback from our Bloomberg mails:


That’s right. Something “phenomenal” would be announced “over the next two or three weeks in terms of taxes.”

Some folks got pretty damn excited about that. Have a look:


Well, it’s been 7 weeks. And I don’t know about you, but I haven’t seen anything “phenomenal in terms of taxes.”

And neither apparently has CNBC’s Eamon Javers.

Fortunately, Sean Spicer is great when it comes to thinking on his feet. Watch below as Spicer deftly navigates troubled waters…

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