Spicer Loses It: “If He Puts Russian Dressing On His Salad, That’s A Russia Connection”

Meanwhile, from the Sean Spicer files... Regular readers know we have a love/hate relationship with Sean Spicer. On one hand, we detest the man. After all, he's the face of an administration that's quite clearly attempting to throw the media off a trail of bread crumbs that very likely leads straight to the Kremlin. On the other hand, this poor guy wakes up everyday and is forced to defend lies he didn't tell and had no part in creating. That sucks. Tough job old Sean has. In fact, we're quit

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One thought on “Spicer Loses It: “If He Puts Russian Dressing On His Salad, That’s A Russia Connection”

  1. Spicy is in a pickle. Sh*t comes his way no matter what, he knows he lying (just look at his face especially after a big whopper). Then when he is somewhat honest the press as they should be are at the very least skeptical. Spicy is coming around though as his fu*k you look is getting better. Kudos, Sean.