5 Weeks To Go Aaaand… Nothing

"Priced in" is most assuredly not an accurate way to describe French election risk. On Wednesday, we'll get a kind of dress rehearsal in the Netherlands, where the PVV's performance at the ballot box will serve as a litmus test for the European electorate's appetite for populist bullsh*t. If Geert Wilders walks away a happy man, chances are French and Dutch spreads will widen and the euro will take a significant hit as markets interpret support for Wilders' agenda as indicative of the kind o

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One thought on “5 Weeks To Go Aaaand… Nothing

  1. I’ve been considering the idea that perhaps European voters, having observed the on-going repercussions of first Brexit then the election of an orange monkey as POTUS, are less likely now to vote for extremism than they were before. The risk markets may be a reflection of this.