Wall Street Bailout Architect Goes Full Donald Trump, Uses Blog Post To Explain Why Fed Is On Hold

Remember Neel "Crazy Eyez" Kashkari? He was a prominent character in Hank Paulson's "GE is having trouble placing its commercial paper so I need this Wall Street bailout bazooka/blank check" drama. Well as you might be aware, these days Kashkari is Minneapolis Fed chief. Yay. On Tuesday, Neel decided Medium was the best place to explain to the world why he voted to keep rates on hold in January. It was an "unusual" (to quote CNBC) venue for such an essay, but at least one former trader l

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2 thoughts on “Wall Street Bailout Architect Goes Full Donald Trump, Uses Blog Post To Explain Why Fed Is On Hold

  1. “stock prices, housing prices and especially some commercial real-estate prices appear somewhat elevated, they don’t appear to pose an immediate financial stability risk”

    Wasn’t it Ben Bernanke that said something similar back in 2007?

  2. Don’t worry folks the “It’s someone else’s fault”, along with “If we don’t get 1.5$ trillion today the market will blow-up on Monday” IS coming. If you are to big to fail then we better take out that clause about no bail outs, “what do you say Republican LED House and Senate”. Whatever you want WF, BofA, Citi, GS, Etc., Etc. Ethics, that’s for suckers like me, or you, or all the rest of us.