Hours After Call With Erdogan, Trump Wakes Up, Says Will “Never Have Security” If Judicial Branch Independent

I’m reminded of the not-so-good 1999 James Bond (that’s the Pierce Brosnan years) film “The World Is Not Enough.”

Having already created a new category of pseudo-legalists (“so-called” judges) and having all but instructed Americans to revolt against the judiciary in the event there’s another terrorist attack on US soil, Donald Trump woke up at what I imagine counts as “bright and early” for him to take another “small step for man, giant leap for autocrat-kind” towards doing away with the separation of powers.

Thoroughly disgusted and hilariously incredulous, the new President lashed out (again) on Twitter Wednesday morning, this time suggesting that unless we do away with the judicial branch, we can never be safe from evil moose lambs.


Here’s your morning briefing from the White House:

One wonders if perhaps Trump got some advice on Tuesday regarding what to do in the event recalcitrant government employees try and stop you from exercising your authority. Via Bloomberg:

7:35 PM (11 hours ago)

President Trump, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed “the close, long-standing relationship between the United States and Turkey and their shared commitment to combatting terrorism in all its forms,” White House says in statement.

And today…



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