Elizabeth Warren Is Not F*cking Amused With Trump’s Dodd-Frank Rollback
You can say what you want about Elizabeth Warren (and I'm sure some readers have a lot of things to say, which is why there's a comments section), but you can't say watching her grill opponents isn't entertaining.
To put it colloquially, Warren will gladly burn your ass if she thinks what you're doing is in any way nefarious. And that goes triple for anyone doing something she perceives as designed to return Wall Street to the pre-Dodd Frank glory days.
Well, guess who's hell bent on bringi
Love Liz, but she best keep reminding the electorate what “…happened today.” since all will be forgotten before the next tweet from Little Benito.
buy the dip–buy the dip–hurry hurry.
i need to fill more vxx.
gotta love the dog and pony show.
this is really going to get ugly.