North Korea Decides Now’s As Good A Time As Any To Launch Another Missile

No one should be surprised by this. Pyongyang is hell-bent on staying in the spotlight and Trump’s jaunt across the Mideast threatens to shift the focus away from the North/South tensions. So you know, some sabers needed to be rattled. They’re probably also intent on testing the mettle of new South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

One Bank Says Trump Won’t Be Impeached … Yet

“To date no US President has been impeached by his own party, and given the highly charged partisan environment, we think that evidence of a breach deemed sufficient to trigger impeachment proceedings would have to be very robust. However, if there is a change in the composition of control in Congress post-Midterms and Democrats pick up significant seats, the political calculus could change.”

China Rolling Over + Ballistic Missile Test By Hermit Regime = “Monday Risk-Friendly Tone”

“The weekend news – softer industrial production, Capex and retail sales in China, higher oil prices as Saudi Arabia and Russia agree that output cuts should be extended through Q1 2018, a North Korean ballistic missile test – sees us start in mild risk-friendly tone.”