Assuming You’re Inexplicably Inclined To Waste Time Picking Stocks, Here Are Some Ideas From Goldman

But let’s just say, for argument’s sake, that you’re interested in wasting your time trying to pick stocks or otherwise find some alpha. Why you would do that is completely beyond me because when benchmarks are rising 30% every year and you can replicate those benchmarks for 10bps, it seems like you’d be a (greater) fool to waste time picking stocks when you could be golfing or doing whatever it is you prefer to do during your version of “Executive Time.”

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David Stockman Heralds The Return Of The Bond Vigilantes: They’re Back!

“But last night some strange riders were spotted galloping eastward from China and Japan. While their visage may be somewhat foggy to the uninitiated, the boys and girls on Wall Street are about to discover that it’s not exactly Big Bird swooping onto their playground.”

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