Rope: Read And Understand Operator’s Manual Before Using
Donald Trump will command a majority of headlines in the days ahead, but a bevy of macro releases, including a US inflation update, will compete as best they can for attention.
Underlying consumer price growth across the world's largest economy probably ran well north of 3% in October when measured against the same month a year ago, which is to say far too high and unchanged (if the Fed's lucky) from the pace observed in September.
On a MoM basis, the core gauge likely rose 0.3%. Again. Recall
In regard to your last sentence: The ‘cold open’ of Saturday Night Live nailed the response to the election for everyone who publicly dissed Trump. And laughter is something we will probably need plenty of over the next 4 years.
Sorry, but I have to go with Bill Burr, as most hilarious, from that show.
I’m already seeing a ton of anecdotal evidence re: shortages as everyone pulls forward their inventory and supply purchases ahead of tariffs. Good time to be a warehouse owner.
I have no lack of faith in Powell’s ability to handle the US dollar, and Trump too. But there have been historically high amounts of cash sloshing around in the economy because of all the frigging wealth-creation that it might risk some ongoing mild inflation. It has indeed been quite the slow inflation unwind since Covid. But Herr Trump likes to spend his share of shekels too.
I can’t help but think he might spur some inflation while showing off his money “management” and spending abilities, trying to show us what a balanced, wise, and great leader he is. A very nice way to commemorate his magnificence might be to include a fabulous Trump balloon in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade in New York.
What a great tribute that would be! But aside from suggesting a suitable and very public tribute, I just hope this damaged human being with all of the “enemy within” thoughts doesn’t screw up everything.
Well, here’s to hoping.
So far, the evidence points in a different direction. Everything Trump touches, dies eventually. He WILL screw up, as he is totally incapable of any coherent thought, let alone the ability to follow up on his “thoughts”. The only reason why he might get something done this time around is that his minions will be more efficient in implementing his policies. Which is even scarier and makes one almost long for the incompetent buffoons of his first administration.