Earnings Seasons Are Back To Normal
"Back to normal." Earnings seasons are back to normal.
That's according to Goldman's David Kostin who, to reiterate my usual compliment, is good at his job. I can be hard on sell-side research notes (as distinct from sell-side trading desk notes, of which I'm admittedly a super-fan), but it's important to keep perspective.
The general investing public tends to misconstrue the voluminous macro content and top-down equity analysis generated by sell-side research teams. The public will be forgive
Yes, lost some money on my tried and formerly true strategy “buy the rumor, sell the news”. Older, but no wiser.
My mostly SPY/VOO position with an additional ten positions in (mostly) Mag 7/tech continues to do pretty well. At some point, I want everything in SP500…. but not quite yet.
Thanks for the hilarious read.