The ‘Bubble Dream’

What's not to like? If you're well-off, reside in an advanced economy and aren't bothered by the wars, the weather and the distinct possibility that anyone under 20 will witness some of kind of apocalypse first-hand during their lifetime, it's all sunshine and rainbows. You can tell by the stocks. That infallible indicator of global prosperity. As the simple figure shows, global equities were well on their way to a fifth consecutive monthly gain and a 10th in 11. That's thanks in no small

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2 thoughts on “The ‘Bubble Dream’

  1. all the ‘haves’ are dancing down the happy path smiles aglow at end of some rainbow … (add your favorite rhetorical question to highlight the insanity)

    This is no longer (and really has not been for some time) an economic discussion imho … are such discussions actually happening? (no rhetorical) … I heard a line from Gillian Welch / David Rawlings song something like, ‘… we can’t even argue anymore, what’s left to do?’

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