Morality Lectures

"The state of Israel does not need to be lectured on morality in order to distinguish between terrorists and the civilian population in Gaza," Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant said, indignant, after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to comply with the Genocide Convention. The convention, to which Israel's been a party since 1950, defines genocide as "killing," "causing serious bodily or mental harm," "deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about phys

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5 thoughts on “Morality Lectures

  1. A few of you geezers may remember bumper stickers declaring “Get US out of the UN” back in the 1960s. So Bibi has a base of support in the US on this issue. (Which is also Trump’s base.)

  2. It takes a nation experienced in Genocide to recognize it when we see it From the moment we set foot in Jamestown and Plymouth we started in on the indigenous peoples. When we landed, all the so-called “indians” we encountered were citizens of sovereign nations, with established governments (some far more enlightened than our own, in fact, some of the oldest functioning democracies on the planet). We set out almost immediately to declare them to be savages and began our quest to eliminate (you know, kill) them all, take their lands, eliminate their food supply (after co-opting maize, potatoes, and other stuff for our own). Those we couldn’t kill we locked up on reservations, eventually reserving the valuable minerals for ourselves. What money the remaining indigenous peoples have made we have confiscated to dole out like a petty allowance for a child. Oh, yes, the US knows Genocide quite well, first the indigenous peoples and then the kidnapped black slaves brought from Africa. We are experts.

  3. Read the book entitled: The United Nations and the Question of Palestine: Rule by Law and the Structure of International Legal Subalternity (Cambridge University Press, 2023) – and you will learn that Israel has illegally occupied Palestinian territory for years; while the nations of the world looked the other way. These facts form a key part of the context in which the war took place.

  4. The US should probably stop funding any nations or groups outside of the US. That money inevitably gets into the bank accounts of groups that have goals which the US is diametrically opposed to, or at least does not fully agree with or support; resulting in the US too easily ending up in a situation that we really don’t want to be party to- such as massive levels of corruption or innocent people being killed, displaced or left to starve.

  5. UNRWA accusations is not about any number of rogue employees, but about mounting evidence of creating an education system that promote hate, death and martyrdom, to which its entire stuff is complicit. Institutional accountability never starts or stops at the low level. It goes all the way to the top.

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