‘The Race Is On’: Nvidia Delivers Monster Beat And Raise

A "macro event." That's how Nvidia's Q2 results were billed by the financial media and analysts alike. In the wake of the company's stunning quarterly report in late May, Nvidia became the face of the generative A.I. revolution, the poster child for 2023's unexpected US equity rally and, according to some, a harbinger of an epochal productivity boom with far-reaching macroeconomic consequences. Is the hype overblown? Yes, almost surely. But not in the context of Nvidia's potential to make or b

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3 thoughts on “‘The Race Is On’: Nvidia Delivers Monster Beat And Raise

  1. NVDA has proven that at least this year they can print money better than any central bank on the planet, impressive. I’m done trimming my position every time it doubles inciting worries my portfolio is too exposed to a single name, can’t but more but can’t sell it either, too risky either way.

    1. It seems that everyone who wanted to buy Nvidia already purchased Nvidia before earnings.

      I am waiting on the next group of buyers- who I think will be hedge funds who decide to take oversized positions in Nvidia because of the massive increase to sales and profits guidance. Until they start buying, the stock price will likely remain where it is. ( ok- I will wait!).
      I won’t be surprised when I read that Buffett (Todd Combs) took a big position in Nvidia.
      Remember when no one thought Buffett would own Apple?

  2. Adventures in AI BOT-Land:

    1) Early this month I was flying home from Phoenix. “Due to last night’s rain” my flight suddenly was pushed back by 90 minutes, which meant I’d probably miss my connection. As I waited in the customer service line I wondered if there was another flight after my connector in case I missed it. Then I decided to try the BOT. It seamlessly rebooked me onto another flight to a different city. Thankfully I was called over to the help counter. I told the woman my story and she looked at it and said “That’s funny. It looked you on a flight that is scheduled to arrive 45 minutes after the connecting flight is due to depart. The living human being cancelled that and suggested I risk the original itinerary (which actually worked out).

    2) Later this month I changed cellphones. Just the phone, not the number. That opened Pandora’s box. My Google Ads account required 2FA to add a campaign. Google kept trying to text the code to my old phone and my wife’s wretched iPhone. Tech support turned out to be 100% bot-driven with no option to get human support. The bots kept sending me to a useless FAQ page and finally onto an online support forum which proved to be absolutely useless. Luckily, I figured it out by myself after a lot of work but geez, isn’t Google an AI pioneer?

    3) Yesterday I needed to change a setting in a ATT Mobile account because one member of the group was being harassed by a stalker. Easy-peasy? NOT! Once again they required 2FA to log in. And once gain they were incapable of sending a text code, this time to my wife’s phone. EVENTUALLY I reached a human agent via chat. She tried to help but the chat function suddenly became “Unavailable, please try back later.” There was a three hour wait for human tech support. I’ll be pulling the plug on ATT after that experience.

    4) That night I attempted to book an international flight on the UAL website. There was a really good option. But when I went to pay for it I got an indecipherable error message and was asked to “please try again later.” Once again, all support was via BOT which just wanted to send me unhelpful FAQ links. There was a talk to a human agent button, which asked for a $50 charge. I did not book the flight with them.

    5) These are just a few examples of the near- future when the only help you can get is via AI chat bots. I’d wager that some smart companies will start to offer human help just as many used to when there was push-back against using offshore call centers. I sure hope so!

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