Jamie Dimon Doesn’t Know What It Means To ‘Hustle’

I try to stay above the proverbial fray. For four years, I dabbled in social media engagement, before ultimately giving up on tweets (other than links to articles) a few months back. I've never had a Facebook page. (I tried to create one a few years ago for fun and it turned out to be a somewhat unnerving experience -- they asked for my driver's license). At some point a decade ago, I had a LinkedIn profile. (But someone managed it for me and I can't seem to find it now.) "Engagement," the eng

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10 thoughts on “Jamie Dimon Doesn’t Know What It Means To ‘Hustle’

  1. All I can say is people like Jamie have never played video games with team requirements successfully. I used to run 40 man raids with teams of people who never in the history of ever met in real life and yet could execute extremely intricate patterns of coordinated behavior using nothing but simple voice chat. I agree that the skill set required for remote work is very different and it is likely many current office workers have little skill in operating virtually but it’s very doable. Getting recognition for good work is a key part of keeping groups like that performing as well as real tangible rewards. The secret here is that this is equally true of being in the office and that’s a big part of why you have such high levels of employee disengagement. The fact you can walk by an employee’s desk and hassle them is not a substitute for making jobs work for employees.

  2. This is a valid point and one that’s been coming up all over, the workplace culture changed this past year. The assumptions always were that we would be less productive and corporate cultures would suffer if everyone worked from home. And yet, last year we accomplished amazing things in a fully remote and locked down state. Corporate culture? Well look at that, everyone is getting boozed up on Zoom calls after work hours to remain socially engaged. All of it is BS and the leaders pushing this “we need to be together” agenda are doing so because white collar culture left them behind. They are pushing this agenda because they need people in the offices so they can steal credit for their work and schmooze up the people who will believe they are responsible for everything that’s happened. You can’t do that over Zooms. But what you can do remotely, which is something Jamie can’t, is work your ass off.

  3. I was talking to a grocery store clerk a couple weeks ago (apparently I am more garrulous than you) and he told me he was happy because he was off work in a few minutes. Asked what his plans were, he told me he was going to drive for DoorDash the rest of the evening. He then probably told me he sometimes makes more “dashing” than he does at the grocery store ($15/he). He told me he dashed the entire weekend prior and made $200. It took me an awkward amount of time to realize he was excited and proud about spending his weekend driving his car into the ground for a couple hundred bucks, and that I should be responding with enthusiasm.

    Dimon don’t know hustle

    1. I mean… people make money doing it. The innovation part isn’t for me because I’m not “that kind” of smart and the investment opportunity came too late in my life for me to be comfortable with the volatility, but just because it’s not for me doesn’t mean people aren’t making money doing it. There are plenty of hustles I’ve been involved in in my lifetime that the crypto crowd would probably characterize as ludicrous and/or wildly risky, but I hope they’d do me the service of admitting that irrespective of their own view, I did well monetarily with what I was doing. I extend the crypto folk the same courtesy.

    2. H is incredibly opened minding and has asked good questions about the crypto space; I think one should extend him the courtesy of laying off of a simple one liner like the above, especially given the wealth that’s currently being generated in the space.

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