Greed Is Good. Just Not If You’re A Worker

Greed is good. If you're capital. If you're labor, greed is synonymous with being lazy. In essence, that's the message peddled daily by the financial media, corporations and GOP lawmakers. It's actually refreshing to hear when it emanates from the latter, as it at least suggests some Republicans are trying to refocus on traditional party talking points (however misguided) instead of spending their days pandering to America's autocrat in exile. US job openings jumped to a record high 8.12 mill

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4 thoughts on “Greed Is Good. Just Not If You’re A Worker

  1. Can confirm, I remember a few years ago the company I worked for decided to change the coverage of a product line from one business unit to another. Unfortunately the new BU had no training and wasn’t interested in putting in any effort to support it. I worked for the old BU and was asked to support the product until the end of the fiscal because they lacked resources to transition it but that I would be “compensated” for my efforts. There was no clarity as to what that meant. As the end of the year asked I inquired about the compensation and the response was “what compensation?”. Luckily I had the slide deck where it was promised and with that I found out nobody allocated any budget to our organization because it has transitioned to a new one. Of course at the end of the year we essentially got nothing ($50 gift card) and I personally supported almost $1 million in business and this is added work to my normal job.

    The Kicker was the following year I made it clear I would not be amenable to continuing to support a product for which I would be given 0 compensation and was promptly told to “stop being greedy” and “this isn’t about you it’s about what’s best for the company”.

    Yup. Work for free or else you’re a degenerate. Nobody likes a worker with any self respect.

  2. I can only speak for my ag business but no one in my area of Oregon/Idaho can offer minimum wage and expect to get someone hired. The whole minimum wage myth (that it will hurt business) is a joke when McD’s is already offering $11 dollars to start in a $7.25 state (Idaho). Just BS talking points to scare the ignorant who dont run businesses.

  3. Hey here’s an idea, instead of complaining that people want a living wage and more, let’s bring back pensions! Remember those? Boy wouldn’t that really piss off Republicans and CEO’s? I mean where the hell else do we think CEO pay rising 987% over the past 40 some odd years came from? Pensions chant on 3!

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