Amid ‘Complete Clusterf—,’ Trump Sends Stark Christmas Warning To Republicans

"Complete clusterf---." That's how one "top Republican Hill aide," described the chaotic situation in Washington after Donald Trump decided to keep his famous Sharpie holstered in the days leading up to Christmas, rather than signing off on a long-sought virus relief package that would have delivered incremental aid to American families and businesses. I say "incremental" not to trivialize the impact of the provisions included in the bill. Rather, I use "incremental" to underscore the fact tha

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11 thoughts on “Amid ‘Complete Clusterf—,’ Trump Sends Stark Christmas Warning To Republicans

  1. I would argue the the GOP as a political party no longer exists, save as a last ditch attempt at transforming the country into an autocratic state. When it comes to actual organized bodies of voters there is MAGA and there is the DNC but the latter is not some progressive liberal juggernaut but rather it is what the GOP was many years ago, centrist, pragmatic and primarily concerned with the interests of big donors. So it’s criminals/traitors Vs status quo at the voting booth. At some point we need to wrangle together a party that proclaims to actually represent the population’s interests. The policy responses that would have prevented widespread economic disaster were not mentally challenging to determine. It’s like watching a person drown in 6 inches of water refusing to flip over and sit up.

    1. I believe America needs to move to a multiparty system as the two party system dysfunctional and acutely limiting, not to mention susceptible to corporate cooptation which imho has occurred. Improved and increased checks and balances should result, as well as an increase in voter interest and participation. Elected officials would be more likely and expected to engage and work together and compromise as well.

      The ascendancy of Trump and his ability to manipulate this two party system has shown how fragile American democracy has become. As a country and democracy we are in dire shape.

    2. Interesting …the Democrats were viewed two years ago as a non existent party with few prospects or vision for that matter… That of course was before Trump showed his ‘true colors ‘ with a non stop barrage of stupidity on a multitude of topics non of which were ignored here… This speaks volumes about the two party system that takes turn deceiving it’s electorate.. Time for a change in how we do things.. It should be obvious by now that we do not need Russians to screw up our Electoral system.

  2. Same old, same old with Trump. Give a crazy person a megaphone and people pay attention – for awhile. Trump running in 2024? How well do you think he will age, particularly when he can start choosing what he wants to eat again and nobody is telling him to get up and walk ‘for the cameras’. Good chance it ends as he’s trying to climb out of a pot punker on one of his Scottish golf courses.

  3. The Emperor Nero fiddled as Rome burned. Trump wields a 5 wood as America falters and bombs go off in Middle America. The effect is the same.

  4. He won’t run again in ’24…he hates the job and never intended to get it when he ran in ’16. He’s fighting now because a.) it’s lucrative…$250 mil and counting since the election, and b.) he alone knows the legal exposure that awaits him outside the Oval force field. If he did anything for America it was to expose just how vulnerable our system currently is. We already live in an oligarchy and had the would-be autocrat been smarter, we’d be in even deeper trouble by now. Absent major legislative and Constitutional reforms, we’re sunk.

    1. If he’s healthy enough and not bogged down legally he’ll run, he works the job as little as possible, uses it for his own, family, and friends’ greed machine. He craves power plain and simple, and now that he has tasted it, nothing else compares, so he’ll run if able health and legal wise…I’m hoping he won’t, … but hopefully the threat of him running will force the incoming justice division to do the necessary investigations and prosecutions related to the past 4+ years.

  5. H-Man, everyone fears a rabid dog. Never know who will be bitten next. Just give it a wide berth and let the disease do the job. Unfortunately that response has a ton of collateral damage for those who would like to see that dog just go away.

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