Mitch, Please…

Donald Trump on Tuesday doubled down on the notion that he can cajole Mitch McConnell into backing a stimulus deal worth as much as four times the $500 billion targeted relief bill the Senate planned to vote on this week. The president, speaking in a characteristically cartoonish interview with Fox & Friends, admitted that "not every Republican agrees with me." They sure don't. As far as anyone knows, a $2 trillion stimulus bill is a complete non-starter among many Senate GOPers, and McCon

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4 thoughts on “Mitch, Please…

  1. Trump flipping Democrat would be quite the thing, 3 weeks before the election. Total Cabinet reset (can he fire the VP?) and a pledge of allegiance to D political objectives (meaningless coming from him but it’d be funny to see him trying to parrot BLM talking points)… Now that’d be politics!

    1. Matthew, couldn’t agree more. I’m 100% sure that the majority of R Senators despise Trump, or at least are embarrassed by him, and would love to see him go, now that he’s done what he could for them – the corporate tax cuts and packing the courts. If Biden wins, expect to see an awful lot of “good Germans” in the coming years, just like after WWII.