Fed Unveils Composition Of Corporate Bond Portfolio. Why Not Have A Look?
Two weeks back, the Fed said it was poised to start buying individual corporate bonds.
The "news" wasn't really news. It was hardly a secret that the Fed would soon buy the debt of individual issuers in addition to the credit ETF purchases which began in early May.
Indeed, for three months following the unveil of the central bank's two corporate bond-buying facilities, the market gleefully looked to frontrun Jerome Powell. Inflows into investment grade and high yield bond funds approximated a
Good the see Carlyle alumnus Powell bailing out his former firm with treasury financing. No conflict of interest there. But what do I know, I’m just a shrill member of the peanut gallery.
It’s a conspiracy. It’s all a conspiracy. Board up the doors. Shut the blinds.
It doesn’t have to be. But since 2008, it does feel like the elites are pretty keen on covering each others’ bottoms.
We’re only getting fiscal support of normal people this time coz it’s an R in the WH. C’mon. You know I’m right. If Clinton was President, we’d have a repeat of the Obama admin desperate attempts at getting bigger fiscal stimulus blocked by Rs yelling about deficits…
No conspiracy system just a political / economic system in panic mode with limited options standing at cliffs edge…lol
there you go
Classic straw-man. I’m not saying it’s a conspiracy, however just like Powell personally owning $35M of stock and bond ETFs (mainly with BlackRock), it is a massive conflict of interest.
Hey, would you really want an old poor economist guy who knows nothing about financial markets to be in charge of the Fed?
I can understand the derision of those who repeatedly cry moral hazard / cryonism / etc. But I think, in the long run, they are right. The Fed really has painted itself into a corner. So I’d agree that these moves seem necessary to stave off an extreme amount of short-term pain, but I also agree that this is another significant step away from the free enterprise system and towards a state-directed economy. Which is highly disturbing in the long run, because economic liberalism proved to be an incredibly dynamic force of wealth-creation and poverty reduction…
some left field vision thinking, more money does not cure a virus
science and medicine cures virus
Actually, no virus can be “cured,” Treated, some can be, prevented, in some cases, but cured, none can be, by anything.