‘When This Is All Over’

Anthony Fauci had a simple message for those protesting and otherwise lashing out at containment protocols aimed at curtailing the spread of COVID-19 in America. "Unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery economically is not gonna happen", Fauci told ABC. "So what you do if you jump the gun and go into a situation where you have a big spike, you’re going to set yourself back". And that would be a shame. Because the US is finally on the right side of the curve. The situation in

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10 thoughts on “‘When This Is All Over’

  1. My wife went to the grocery store and saw a woman wearing a face mask saying, “Trump 2020”. You cannot make this stuff up.

  2. “[T]he problem with the protests is that, by almost all appearances, they are motivated by a combination of cabin fever and lowbrow libertarianism which finds expression in poster board signs and banners made out of bedsheets featuring slogans that echo the kind of bumpersticker jingoism you’d find in the apparel section at a truck stop….”

    You mean the Trump base. #MAGA

  3. Lead the way Mr. Trump. Open up the White House for tours. Make them free and bus in your supporters. Offer door prizes! Have Pence lay hands on and bless each and every one.

  4. I know you all think this is Trumps fault. However, the salient point is that the entire nation is NOT Manhattan and the overcrowded conditions that are so conducive to the spread. We here in Michigan are blessed with a future progressive dictator as Governor. Maybe, you could be so kind to explain why a person can row his boat out into a lake to fish but not use a motor? How about why my elderly neighbor can’t have a guy who makes his living mowing lawns come by and mow it for him as he has had for years? How about telling me why families in our most rural counties that rely on the home garden can’t purchase the seeds they need to grow their vegetables this year? How about why lottery tickets are essential but you can’t travel to the cabin you own on 200 acres in the Upper Peninsula but you can continue to pay taxes on it?

    If you think these protests are due to Trump you are blinded by liberal partisan mindset.

    1. As a sitting duck you present an awfully easy target. I will refrain from fire though and hope you survive any infection. Afterall I can think of no more effective way to kill Trump voters than to open up full steam ahead, damn the torpedoes.

    2. The protests are not due to Trump. He is only poring gasoline on a flammable situation. We can’t have a POTUS doing this.
      Your points of Gov Whitmer’s extreme, inconsistent, and non-sensical lockdown details are well taken and should be addressed. But you can’t have the Michigan Proud Boys blocking the intersection around a hospital where the hero healthcare workers are trying to save lives.
      Even doctors are trying to figure out how to deal with this new virus and are likely making mistakes.

      Extreme situations bring out extreme responses. Cooler heads need to prevail all around.

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