Fed Cuts Treasury Buying In Half, Money Markets Normalize, And Zoltan Pozsar Asks: Machiavelli Or Bagehot?

The Fed on Friday said it will cut the pace of Treasury purchases in half next week, to $15 billion per day from $30 billion, as market conditions normalize after last month's theatrics. The balance sheet ballooned to nearly $6.4 trillion in the latest weekly update. Purchases now top $2.2 trillion since the onset of panic in early March. Critics abound when it comes to some of the Fed's most aggressive crisis-fighting efforts. On the planned purchase of fallen angels and high yield ETFs, s

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6 thoughts on “Fed Cuts Treasury Buying In Half, Money Markets Normalize, And Zoltan Pozsar Asks: Machiavelli Or Bagehot?

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  2. Hear, hear. An oasis in the financial journalism desert. Thanks, H.

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