Relatively Speaking.

I suppose it's possible to argue that, at least in the context of the coronavirus crisis, it wasn't a "bad" week for US equities. After all, "bad" is an (extremely) relative term these days, and the S&P was "only" down around 1.6% for the week. That's not terrible considering the last five days witnessed a number of dubious milestones including, but certainly not limited to, a weekly jobless claims print 10 times higher than the pre-2020 crisis record, a monthly payrolls report that showed

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2 thoughts on “Relatively Speaking.

  1. Still waiting on promises from before the $2 trillion package. When does/did the federal reserve start the CPFF program? It’s only 10 billion backstop from the Treasury but there is no news of when they start buying IG paper. It wasn’t looking healthy on Friday

  2. $2 Trillion dollar coin every month might… might be enough to keep something resembling an economy functional until we have a vaccine. Expect hazard pay for people who have to keep working. Expect UBI. Expect nationalized healthcare and maybe some industries. Letting a Free Market decide the outcome would be like letting a fire decide to do with your kitchen, you don’t just lose the kitchen.