All This Selloff Was Missing Was A Jeff Gundlach Chat With Scott Wapner. Not Anymore.

The market turmoil triggered by the COVID-19 panic has brought us all manner of noteworthy developments and historic milestones. We've seen multiple thousand-point Dow swings, some of the highest VIX prints since the crisis, harrowing equity plunges exacerbated by quants and sub-1% 10-year US yields. And yet, until Thursday, it just felt like something was missing - even though I couldn't put my finger on exactly what that something was. But now I know, because on today's edition of CNBC's

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5 thoughts on “All This Selloff Was Missing Was A Jeff Gundlach Chat With Scott Wapner. Not Anymore.

  1. Heisenberg- for some real entertainment- let’s suggest CNBC put some boxing gloves on Ol Jeff and Jim- maybe the market would pause enough not to selloff some more??

    1. I’ll take Jeff over Jim any day when it comes to listening to them. I like to have fun at Jeff’s expense (and I probably have a little too much fun at his expense) but I don’t really have anything against him. He’s just always amused me. Jim Cramer, on the other hand, I actually do not care for. I have some first-hand experience with Jim, and I flat-out don’t like him. Nor do I care for his incessant, childlike social media trolling of the general public.

  2. You would be surprised just how quiet some analysts that were real noisy 2 months ago have become… Guess they are not long Gold and short the indexes…Picking a bottom here will be almost as impossible as picking the Top (was ??? ) Again there will be no 48 hour notice to cover short positions…

  3. This type of market would suggest you throw out your preconceived notions of how markets are supposed to behave. Widen your possible outcomes and keep an open mind. The market is trading on emotion and headlines. If you are an investor and are short your risk budget perhaps you add a little bit of risk to your portfolio. If not, investors are best to stay on the sidelines and let the traders/hedge funds/quants/non carbon life forms run the markets.

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