Congrats To Donald Trump On Joining The Highly Exclusive Club Of Impeached US Presidents

"House Democrats are trying to nullify the election ballots", a sweating, red-faced Donald Trump declared, at a rally in Battle Creek, Michigan, on Wednesday night. His speech to supporters was clearly timed to coincide with the impeachment vote. If the president was aiming for theatrics, he hit the mark. The juxtaposition between the raucous rally and the tallying of the votes on Capitol Hill made for a truly incredible split screen. Trump was impeached on abuse of power while regaling the au

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4 thoughts on “Congrats To Donald Trump On Joining The Highly Exclusive Club Of Impeached US Presidents

  1. “Sticks and Stones may break……” Yes, that’s addressed to you “lil'” Mafia Don…. There are really only two issues now: can the Dems nominate a candidate who can beat Trump, and will the people turn out next November and officially make said Mafia Don the great silver-spoon loser he has always been (yes, really, despite his life long efforts)…?

  2. if the Articles are forwarded to the Senate…would a quick trial and vote along party lines make the gop look worse to independents due to his lack of seriousness, lack of witnesses etc? djt continues to win the war of words b/c he yells louder and more often. dems forget that most americans dont understand basic civics/laws pertaining to congress and oval office, and a good 1/3 of the country would welcome a WWE style president. the real key to november, is the level of unemployment and the sp500.