Trump Now Openly Threatening Witnesses, Says They’ll Be ‘Hell To Pay’ For Whistle-Blower
Donald Trump, who is now almost guaranteed to be impeached (if not actually convicted and removed from office), took to Twitter on Sunday to demonstrate what can only be described as an almost superhuman ability to make a bad situation immeasurably worse.
For the better part of two months, Trump and Republicans have called for the whistle-blower whose complaint helped spark the impeachment inquiry to be unmasked.
Of course, there are rules and laws about that, and those rules and laws are desi
So when Trump is no longer the worst excuse for a president ever can he be charged with these crimes?
How many are willing to go this far down the road with DJT? That is only real question. Just keep asking it as we spiral ever faster and more tightly down the drain. What will truly shock the increasingly larger and less silent but generally sedentary majority is we are not even on the outer rim of unacceptable conduct for GOP leadership. Look no further than polling of the ever shrinking but indespensable base and stop looking for a “Profile in Courage.”