Cabal Of GOP Businessmen Touted Trump, Giuliani Ties In Perry-Backed Ukraine Gas Scheme
As a general rule, if Donald Trump is accusing somebody else of doing something wrong, there's a good chance he's either done something similar in the past, or is engaged in analogous activity currently.
On Sunday, for example, Trump accused Joe Biden of extortion. "Sleepy Joe won’t get to the starting gate, & based on all of the money he & his family probably 'extorted,' Joe should hang it up", the president tweeted. The "starting gate" bit was a reference to Biden falling behind Eli
The stench of corruption in the Trump swamp is strong, Obi-wan.
OK. Yeah, but the Naftogaz extortion is an entirely separate extortion than the Biden/Burisma extortion. Even if Slick Rick set-up the entire Naftogaz scheme without trump’s knowledge (highly unlikely), he (Perry) had nothing to do with the Biden/Burisma extortion. I’ve been thinking for awhile that the RICO act might be how they get the Boss. Never thought he’d just go and admit it on television, repeatedly.
The exportation of crooked Texas republicanism. Democrats are you listening? Run on these details here in TX. The middle class here regardless of party have no problems believing this kind of stuff is happening. We don’t dare make a crusade of it ourselves. You want to earn votes across the spectrum of your interests; stand on our desk and pound this crooked republican story. Perry is held in high regard by all the elite republicans here; tarnish their foolishness display of loyalty to fellow cheaters.