BofA’s Blanch: ‘Traditional Models May Soon Be Obsolete And The World Unforecastable’

It's likely that markets (to the extent we're talking about carbon-based lifeforms and not just headline-scanning algos) reacted positively on Monday to Donald Trump's story about a phone call with top Chinese officials not because anyone necessarily believed it, but rather, because the US president's willingness to fabricate a dialogue suggested his pain threshold on stocks has been reached. If that's the case (i.e., if the "Trump put" has kicked in after a fourth straight week of losses for t

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4 thoughts on “BofA’s Blanch: ‘Traditional Models May Soon Be Obsolete And The World Unforecastable’

  1. If Elon Musk gets heavily reprimanded for tweets that impact shareholder value perhaps the SEC should do the same for Trump tirade tweets that have much larger effects in dollar terms in the market.

  2. SO Very TRUE ! But you can’t just Throw Trump infront of this Disaster , this Economy has BUILT up Entire Country’s ! While here at home the people HERE are Counting Penny’s ! And PRAY not loose there job to an illegal !! Trump is Only ONE man !!! And maybe he speaks a little out of the Box ! BUT WE ALL need that Rite NOW ! If we want to keep are country !

  3. Jason, If you are one of the people counting pennies every month to see if you’re going to have food or medicine at the end of the month, are you any farther ahead after three years of Trump? Are the credit card debts getting paid down?? Are you paying less in taxes?? (income tax verses the tariff taxes on imported goods which everyone is paying more on.) Because the millionaires are paying less in taxes because of Trump and will continue to be better off with any further policies he brings forth. He’s long on talk to help the little guy but very short on doing.

  4. “…if the ‘Trump put’ has kicked in…then it may presage actual, real dialogue between Bob Lighthizer and Liu He”. We’ve been there and done that. Back in May Liu He negotiated 50+ “asks” (concessions?) with Lighthizer et al, took them back to his leadership, and they said meiyou(no) to all of them. If the Chinese had any intentions of making any concessions at all (the requirement for an actual deal), then they would at least have indicated a willingness to further discuss some small fraction of those 50+ “asks”. This is now, as with just about everything else Trump does, just the theater of the absurd. As President Xi said to the Communist Party of China one week before last Christmas, “Nobody dictates reforms to China”. Unlike Trump, Xi actually means what he says. Not that I think of Xi as a great person, but the fact is that he isn’t going to back down to Trump. Trump, on the other hand, would cave in a minute if he could get away with it. It’s too late for that now though. As the R.E.M. song “Losing My Religion” goes: “Oh no I said too much. I set it up.”