On Eve Of DC Military Parade, Trump Threatens To Bite Iran ‘Like Nobody Has Been Bitten Before’

"The Iranian regime has taken new steps to advance its nuclear ambitions", Mike Pompeo said earlier this week, in a statement responding to news that Tehran had, as promised, exceeded a limit on stockpiles of enriched uranium. "The Trump administration calls on the international community to restore the longstanding nonproliferation standard of no enrichment for Iran’s nuclear program", Pompeo continued. As ever, there was no hint that the administration is prepared to acknowledge the glarin

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6 thoughts on “On Eve Of DC Military Parade, Trump Threatens To Bite Iran ‘Like Nobody Has Been Bitten Before’

  1. I hate to say it but when a relatively large sampling of American Males look in the mirror in the morning they see Trump.. This has always I think been instrumental in this Electoral phenomenon… In the real World that group doesn’t and hasn’t performed real well in bar brawls or battlefields.