From Bad To Worse: Trump’s Iran Strategy, Trade War Have Officially Spiraled Out Of Control

As of lunchtime in New York, the world had but a single tweet to go on when attempting to assess how Donald Trump is inclined to respond to news that Iran intends to violate a key element of the 2015 nuclear deal within days. At 11:49 AM, the US president appeared to tweet a quote from a news article and, in a break with precedent, did not offer his take. Indeed, sir. Indeed. On Sunday, reports indicated Iran would make an important announcement this week and they did. In addition to warnin

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4 thoughts on “From Bad To Worse: Trump’s Iran Strategy, Trade War Have Officially Spiraled Out Of Control

  1. Hate to say it …but…It was never Rocket Science to predict this exact scenario including the European reaction that would prevail in short order after Trump withdrew from the Nuclear Treaty..

    1. And I hate to say it but we ain’t seen nothin’ yet! We all know the man is a loon but after reading some transcripts of the two day interview (car ride included) with GS it’s pretty clear the man is not just a loon, but actually insane. I’ve never hoped for a market wipeout, like, worse than 2008 but I do now. That I think is about the only thing that will get people’s attention. But a nice shooting war with Iran will, too.

      Today my Senator, Lisa Murkowski, said that there really isn’t any need to have a law that requires reporting foreign interference, as it would be self-reported by responsible parties, anyway! Is it in the water we drink, the air we breath? What is that is upsetting the balance?

  2. A young Kevin Bacon in the movie “Animal House” is screaming “all is well” while being trampled by the mob. That is American foreign policy today.

    WE already are the laughing stock of the world because of our liar in chief who has said, “We got nukes why don’t we use them”. Guess what? Someone will and I would NOT be surprised if it was Us.

  3. Fighting for American jobs with tariffs, and now fighting against those damn hostage-taking Iranians! Sounds like a guy getting ready for the campaign trail. America! F*** Yeah!!! Sad…