Fearing Multi-Front Trade War, Trump Administration Backs Off Europe, Canada, Mexico

The Trump administration was keen on changing the narrative around trade Wednesday, that much seems clear. All things considered, US equities held up ok in the wake of the president's snap decision to end the ceasefire with China, but last week was still the worst stretch of the year for US stocks. The shrill rhetoric didn't abate over the weekend, and Monday turned into a bloodbath. Tuesday saw a rebound, but not because of any "optimism" on trade. Rather, hedges were monetized and profits ta

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4 thoughts on “Fearing Multi-Front Trade War, Trump Administration Backs Off Europe, Canada, Mexico

  1. He broke the agreement with Canada & Mexico just like he’s saying China is ‘backtracking’ as he said the Steel and Aluminum tariffs were to get Mexico and Canada to agree to some terms they were hesitant about. Then, when they agreed, he ‘welched’ and didn’t remove the steel and Al tariffs. He’s not a negotiator the Chinese can trust after they saw how he ‘double-crosseed’ two friends and allies.

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