Larry Kudlow Cranks Propaganda Knob To Spinal Tap-ish ’11’ In Absurd Friday Press Junket

As is custom, Larry Kudlow made the TV rounds on Friday morning to celebrate how well the US economy is doing and simultaneously call for an emergency rate cut to rescue that same thriving economy. Following a blockbuster April jobs report featuring a headline print that beat even the most optimistic estimate from 79 surveyed economists, Kudlow told Fox Business that he thinks the Fed is looking at cutting rates. Here's Larry or, as Fox called him on Friday, "the man of the hour". [videopress

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5 thoughts on “Larry Kudlow Cranks Propaganda Knob To Spinal Tap-ish ’11’ In Absurd Friday Press Junket

  1. Good take on the concepts behind “wrong”. Putting moore’s name forward in the first place tells ANYONE all they need to know about Trumps “business prowess”. Hew was born on home plate with a gold spoon in his mouth and brags he hit a home run. Decisions like Moore and so many of his other executive picks explains the many bankruptcies and failed businesses. His bankruptcy background explains the run up of debt via the unpaid for tax cuts. The amazing thing about this is that the Repugs are complicit in all this led by the “Artful Dodger” himself Mitch McConnell. All this taking place while the Dems stand around looking befuddled. Heaven help us, FFS!

  2. Kudlow does not have the greatest forecasting track record either. I happen to think that the Fed is a bit too tight right now. When you drill down in employment and GDP numbers they are not quite as rosy as the headline numbers would suggest. But they do not justify a large cut in rates like 1% immediately or a new QE.