Stephen Moore Pulls Out Of Fed ‘Process’, Sparing America Any Further Screwing
On Thursday morning, Trump Fed pick Stephen Moore showed up on Bloomberg TV to discuss a variety of topics, not the least of which was the controversy surrounding his presumed nomination to the Fed.
Moore is eminently unqualified for the job and everyone (including Stephen and with the possible exception of the president) knows it.
The nomination - which was never made official - was mercilessly lampooned from the word go. Moore's long history of supply-side sock-puppetry, carelessness with fa
Yet another mighty stage felled by the yapping jackals!
Yet another mighty stag felled by the yapping jackals!
So who is left in the bullpen? Ivanka Trump? Stuart Varney? Mick Mulvaney?
If there is any grey matter left in the GOP, Tiny won’t even be there.
Ted Nugent
I think Bernie Madoff is available (subject to presidential pardon, of course).
Impressive even for Trump — 4 lies in just 20 words!
“Steve Moore, a great pro-growth economist and a truly fine person, has decided to withdraw from the Fed process.”
— Not an economist, not a truly fine person (but a racist, sexist sycophant), did not decide to withdrawal, and there is no “Fed process” unless you count Trump’s addled synapses still firing.
At least Trump got his name right — I guess that’s a start. #MAGA
Haha yet another Trump ally gets utterly humiliated
The point of and biggest feature of a dictatorship is the dismissal of any meritocracy, achievement or process for the powerful. Access and fealty is all that matters and that shit will filter down to street level corruption everywhere. Hey it works for the B’aath it works for today’s GOP Baathist’s. Something Putin knows well how to manipulate.
Moore from ‘go’ was a stooge, lick-spittle non-genius dancing monkey. Good riddance.
No one near Trump is America’s best and brightest. Barr took himself to the sewer.