Strap In America: White House Now Making Contingency Plans For Shutdown Lasting Into March, April
Strap in America, it looks like the Trump administration thinks the shutdown might well last at least another six weeks.
On Wednesday, Trump and Nancy Pelosi escalated their feud over the State of the Union address which the President is not welcome to deliver on Capitol Hill as long as the government remains shuttered.
"We’ll do something in the alternative" Trump said, before hilariously claiming that the reason Pelosi is blocking his speech is "because she doesn’t want to hear the truth
Fine with me. I may not live on an island, but I do live near the beach. And several spring training sites. Golden!
“It’s hard to believe Trump would be willing to…[insert ANYTHING here]”
He’s got FOX news & his supporters in his corner. Does he actually respond to anything else? Trump quickly learned during the campaign that hate, fear & division ‘works.’ Does anyone see him or his allies EVER trying something different? This dysfunction will continue at least to next election, and likely well after it, even if a sane person is elected Prez and even if Congress ever begins to responsibly govern again. The seeds have been sewn – thank you Ken Starr, Karl Rove et al.
You reap what you sow, not your needlework.
It takes two to fight – In a divorce it is always the fault of two parties maybe 90% – 10% maybe 10% – 90% – We have an entire group of egomaniacs inside the beltway. The majority who’s only care is reelection
Do you think there is the remote possibility that some Republican senators who in the past were against Trump but now support him, like Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz, etc. were faced with threats against their families? I sincerely hope not.
His signature is impressive. I have some of those crawling around in my basement.