Peter Navarro Showed Up On CNBC Monday And It Was A Disaster

On Monday morning, White House adviser (and stark raving lunatic) Peter Navarro showed up on CNBC. One thing to note right off the bat is that CNBC should probably think twice before giving air time to people whose faces are enough to spook markets. Peter Navarro is one of those people. Peter has failed at everything he's ever tried to do and being an economist is certainly no exception. Nobody takes Peter seriously except for - drum roll - the President of the United States. Unfortunately fo

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3 thoughts on “Peter Navarro Showed Up On CNBC Monday And It Was A Disaster

  1. Funny adjectives for Peter. Calling you out on the rest. Deregulation, low oil, NOT inflationary.
    The fed jumped the gun, but even that is NOT inflationary. Seems like an agenda here, so long.

    1. “Seems like an agenda here.” Yes, the “agenda” is to call out stupidity. And “low oil” is a recent manifestation of i) Trump’s successful efforts to undercut the outlook for global demand with the trade war, ii) a scheme to game OPEC and iii) an incestuous relationship with Prince Mohammed which got even more incestuous with the Khashoggi coverup which is why the Saudis are being so damn cooperative. As for the rest of this comment, it doesn’t make any sense. So long.